Sunday, April 13, 2008

Return of the Mack (Mama Monkey)

Well, blog-land can't get rid of me that easily! For those of you who have followed along, you know that I started this blog several weeks ago then was shut-down, locked out, evicted (whatever you want to call it) by the blog bots. They called me dirty names like sp@m. Vicious animals!


Now didn't you all miss me??

So what's new?

Isabel is a competitive crawler (we've been timing her laps and are considering putting her on the pro circuit.)

Nicholas is 4. Apparently the age of four comes with a serious dose of hearing loss. I swear I can repeat myself 4 or 5 times without any acknowledgement. Do they make ear drops for this???

Carlos still works ALL OF THE TIME and we rarely see him. The up side to that is that he "brings home the bacon" - plenty of it. Down side is that Nicholas is now 4 (see above) and realizes he's not seeing much of Daddy. And guess who gets to hear him whine/yell/complain about that? Your favorite caped crusader - MAMA MONKEY!

Other than that, all is pretty much "normal".

I would like to ask that everyone say a prayer for a family friend from the great state of PA named Doris. She just had pretty serious surgery and is in ICU. Doctors say she's looking good, but please pray for her. She is one of the craziest (read: wild) women I've ever known. But she also has a good heart. She and her husband Roy were 2 of the most generous people I knew growing up.

So I'll dedicate this blog to Doris & her well being. God bless, you huzzy. Hugs & kisses.

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